Victoria Fields


Woman with red glasses sitting in front of window

“You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

Over the past 22 years, I have worked for three large commercial real estate firms, filling roles and completing duties that run the gamut from scheduling daily personal calendars for company Presidents to providing administrative leasing support for 6.5 million square feet of MOB clients. I’ve served as an Executive Assistant to the CFO, a Project Manager, and a Senior Administrator, and the variety of duties required by these roles has allowed me to become intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the commercial real estate market in ways that most brokers never become privy to.

In 2015, I started to look for a place where I could really grow my own client base as opposed to supporting someone else’s. I knew that Equitable Properties would allow me to do that. I decided to join Land at Equitable because I believe in what it stands for and I believe in the vision of this company; I believe in building relationships with clients and using individual skills to build a better overall team.

As a Partner at Equitable, I am able to use my background knowledge to not just dip my toes in, but to dive head first into different areas of the company. I provide leasing representation for over 312,000 sq. ft of office and retail properties on behalf of third party landlords and partnerships, manage construction and design, develop sales and leasing cycles, and I oversee in-house communications, business development, HR, social media, accounting, and administration services, and I do all of these things equally. In a nutshell, I’m the oil that keeps the machine running for the company and the team.

I grew up in Savannah, Georgia but I’ve been in Nashville for 23 years, which is long to have seen this city explode with growth. I’m excited to see what the ever-changing skyline will do in the next 23 years. When I’m not keeping the Equitable machine well-oiled and up-and-running, I like to run, read, and spend time with my daughter. My goal is always to show her that you can do the things you think you cannot do.